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About Us


Hi and welcome to Turnings and Crafts LLC where I will share my passion for hand made crafts.  I will do that in two ways, first by selling crafts that I make in my garage and second by sharing what I learn as I grow in my woodworking skills.  I will post articles on the different aspects of woodworking such as showing you how make something, or my thoughts on different tools or other woodworking related topics.  I welcome suggestions for a topic of discussion.

As far back as I can remember I have enjoyed making things with my hands.  I remember several woodworking projects with my dad throughout my youth.  I remember making a small corner shelf that resembled a butterfly.  Another project that I will never forget was when we turned my red wagon into a stagecoach that we used in our neighborhood parade.  Unfortunately, of all the things my father and I made the only thing I still have is a small two drawer chest.  You see my father was in the Air Force and our constant moving prevented us from keeping many of our projects.  When I moved out on my own, I had to put woodworking on hold, and it was not until I retired from the Air Force that I had the time and space to reawaken my woodworking passion.  I started making pens and pencils (using kits) which became popular with my family and friends.  I also discovered You Tube and all of the fine folks sharing their knowledge and projects.  I started to think that maybe I could one day share my passion in a similar way. 

So here I am starting both my online store and my blog.  I want to make things that folks will be proud to own.  My hope is that you will not only read my posts but that you will also let me know what you think.  I want to learn from you as much as I hope to have some part in you developing your woodworking skills.  While I do want to sell my products, my primary focus is to grow a group of people who enjoy making things with their hands and sharing what they learn.  I want each of us to constantly improve our skills and grow as a woodworking community.  

I would not be where I am today were it not for the love and support of my wife.  She not only supported my growing tool collection, but she also suggested that I turn our garage into a workshop.  She is truly a blessing!  Initially, I was going to make and sell pen and pencil sets.  However, family and friends began to ask me to make different things for them and so I began to expand my skill set.  I started taking more classes and watching woodworking You Tube videos.  Quite often when I was asked if I could make something for them and I would say sure.  Then I would go and figure out how to make it.  So now I make Christmas ornaments, cutting boards in the shape of Texas and Ohio, small bowls, drop spindles (they are used to spin wool into yarn), bobbins for weaving looms, benches and footrest.  I am fortunate to be able to work out of my garage full time.   

I want to talk about safety – from time to time I will share how my make my projects.   It is your responsibility to make sure you know how to use your tools and understand the risks involved in woodworking and that you take proper precautions to protect your health and the health of those around you.  Take the time to read all of the documentation that came with your tools and that you fully understand the procedures I use.  If you know a safer or better way, then please use the methods you feel are best.  Also, please share your methods, I am always learning.  When in doubt ask for advice or instruction from someone qualified to give it. 

I want to hear from you - because I know that everyone who visits my site has something valuable to share.   

Thank you for visiting!

Donald Wilton